Wrongful dismissal Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

In law, wrongful dismissal, also called wrongful termination or
wrongful discharge, is a situation in which an employee's contract of
employment has been terminated by the employer, where the termination
breaches one or more terms of the contract of employment, or a statute
provision or rule in employment law. Laws governing wrongful dismissal
vary according to the terms of the employment contract, as well as
under the laws and public policies of the jurisdiction.A related
concept is constructive dismissal in which an employee feels no choice
but to resign from employment for reasons that result from the
employer's violation of the employee's legal rights.Being terminated
for any of the items listed below may constitute wrongful termination: Wrongful dismissal Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

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