Clayton Farlow Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

Clayton Farlow is a fictional character in the popular American
television series Dallas, played by Howard Keel from 1981 to
1991.Clayton Farlow, along with his sister Jessica (Alexis Smith), was
raised on the Southern Cross Ranch (Co-ordinates: 32°43'N 96°30'W)
in San Angelo, Texas. Clayton and Jessica's father was described as a
"big man that liked the oil business, but ranching was his real love".
Clayton's father took him to his first cattle auction when he was six
years old and began teaching him ranching and the oil business. Like
his father, Clayton became a successful oilman and rancher. Jessica
was wild in her teenage years and developed a serious violent mental
condition. She gave birth to a son Steven "Dusty" Farlow (Jared
Martin) in London, England. Clayton and his new wife, Amy, became
Steven's legal parents when they listed themselves on Steven's birth
certificate, while Jessica married an English lord and remained in
England. Clayton and Amy returned to Texas with Steven. Jessica,
thinking Amy wanted to replace her as Steven's mother, set the house
on fire while Amy was sick in bed - and Clayton was in Galveston on
business with his oil refineries. Clayton returned home too late to
save Amy. Steven, who was nicknamed Dusty, showed no interest in the
oil business or the ranch, choosing instead to become a rodeo star.
Steven (Dusty) Farlow met Sue Ellen Ewing at the Ewing Rodeo, and they
soon began an affair. When Dusty was on a private flight to Fort Worth
to meet Sue Ellen, his plane crashed. He survived and recovered at a
home in Denton.Clayton was helping Dusty recover from his plane
accident when he first met Sue Ellen Ewing (Linda Gray) and the rest
of the Ewing family; Sue Ellen found Dusty after he secretly put up
her bail when she was accused of shooting her husband, J.R. (Larry
Hagman). Sue Ellen filed for a divorce, taking their son John Ross
with her to Southern Cross. When he found out, Jock (Jim Davis) was
furious and told J.R. that he wanted John Ross back on Southfork no
matter what. After failed attempts to get John Ross back, J.R., with
Jock's full support, bought all of the oil that went into Clayton's
refineries. J.R. agreed to give it back if Clayton kicked Sue Ellen
off the Southern Cross. Clayton refused, but Sue Ellen left on her
own, returning to Dallas, and eventually remarried J.R. and moved back
to Southfork. The oil was sold back to him by Miss Ellie (Barbara Bel
Geddes), and they became friends. During this time, Clayton became
romantically attracted to Sue Ellen and defended her against
J.R.Later, after Jock was killed in a helicopter crash in South
America, Miss Ellie dated and eventually married Clayton. During his
courtship of Miss Ellie, Clayton became very jealous of the life Jock
had: having sons carry on his legacy in the oil business, a devoted
wife, and a big family with sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. Clayton Farlow Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

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