Mission (station) Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

A religious mission or mission station is a location for missionary
work, in particular Christian missions.Historically, missions have
been religious communities used to spread belief in Christianity to
local indigenous populations. Missions often also had charitable
functions: providing medical help, food, shelter and clothing to those
who asked for it, and secular as well as religious education. Funding
for missions was provided from donations from individuals within the
sponsoring denomination, possibly augmented by local, regional or
state government.Catholicism's support for the Spanish missions in the
Americas played a key role in the Spanish colonization of the
Americas. Catholic mission communities commonly consisted of churches,
gardens, fields, barns, workrooms, dormitories, and schools. They were
often located near a good water supply to support the local
population.Christian missions in Australia played a part in both
helping to preserve Aboriginal people's culture and languages, and in
controlling their movements and removing children from families,
leading to the Stolen Generations. German missionaries ran Lutheran
and other mission stations and schools, from the earliest days of
colonisation of Australia. One of the largest organisations was the
United Aborigines Mission, which ran dozens of missionaries and
stations in Western Australia, New South Wales and South Australia in
the 1900s. Mission (station) Biography, NetWorth, Height, Age, Weight, Family, Married, Son, Daughter

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