Paul Westerberg Top Movies & Young Movies

Paul Harold Westerberg (born December 31, 1959) is an American
musician, best known as the lead singer, guitarist and songwriter in
The Replacements. He launched a solo career after the dissolution of
that band. In recent years, he has produced and recorded independent
music from his basement home studio. He has also released three albums
under the pseudonym Grandpaboy.Paul Harold Westerberg (born December
31, 1959) is an American musician, best known as the lead singer,
guitarist and songwriter in The Replacements. He launched a solo
career after the dissolution of that band. In recent years, he has
produced and recorded independent music from his basement home studio.
He has also released three albums under the pseudonym Grandpaboy.In
the late 1970s Westerberg was working as a janitor for U.S. Senator
David Durenberger, and one day while walking home from work, he heard
a band practicing Yes's "Roundabout" in a basement. He talked his way
into the band by convincing the singer that the other band members â€"
Bob Stinson, Chris Mars and Tommy Stinson â€" were going to fire him.
The singer quit, and Westerberg joined the group. The band was
originally called The Impediments, and they played their first gig in
the basement of a church, playing to members of a nearby halfway house
who did not appreciate their drunken shenanigans. They soon changed
their name to The Replacements after several venues declined to
advertise the band under their original name.The Replacements began
performing in the Twin Cities punk scene, showcasing Westerberg's
songs in a classic rockâ€"friendly punk style. The band made three
albums and an EP for local label Twin/Tone before signing to Sire
Records in 1985. They made four albums for Sire, each with a different
line up. Paul Westerberg Top Movies & Young Movies

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